The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. ~ 12 Stones And Lavender ~ One Year Later

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. ~ 12 Stones And Lavender ~ One Year Later
One year ago today they were putting up our sign on the outside of the building.  Along with that we declared a soft opening with Dec. 1st scheduled as our official grand opening.  I was scared, excited, and honestly, a little bewildered as to where my friends were. This isn't your average one year post. It's raw, real and honest but I am writing it with a hope of healing some unmet expectations that I had going into this adventure.


12 Stones & Lavender - The Story

12 Stones & Lavender - The Story
 I always said no because that’s not where God wanted me. I knew that without a doubt ...until He did....

Beach or Mountains?

Beach or Mountains?
I remember traveling to Galveston Bay Beach when I was little. I was so excited to see the ocean for the first time. I had incredible expectations but the real thing turned out to be anything but incredible. LOL

The First Time I Shared My Thoughts

The First Time I Shared My Thoughts
Writing was never a strong suit of mine. At least I didn't think I could write.  I also didn't think anyone was really interested in the musings that floated around my brain on a constant basis. LOL  You see, my mind races with over analyzed ideas and I have always assumed that my mind is where they would stay.  But all that changed two years ago. 

That's A Little Extreme Lord

That's A Little Extreme Lord
New Years Day resolutions is odd thing to be thinking about as we near the end of May but this year has been odd anyway so why not?

Not Right Now

Not Right Now
My friend would tell me later that what she kept replaying over and over in her mind was how calm I was during the whole thing.  She was literally screaming and I was completely calm.  I had blocked out not only her fear but also the KMART building that we were seemingly destined to smash into.  I did what needed to be done. And I did it well.  Then and only then after everything was secure and she and I were safe did I allow myself to feel the emotion and process what I had just gone through.  Little did I know that this was how I would handle every crisis that I would encounter for the next 37 years.

Don't Be A Copy

Don't Be A Copy
I hear Him whisper that I am not to try and be them or copy them.  He made them unique and anything that I do to try to recreate them will be a massive failure.   I must develop myself.  But I’m struggling.

One Bite At A Time

One Bite At A Time

It's nothing for me to now have several projects going at a time but with progress being made, usually on a daily basis.


I Am Not Enough. No Really. I'm Not.

I Am Not Enough.  No Really.  I'm Not.
Trying to be enough?   Telling yourself you are enough?   Guess what? You can’t and you aren’t.   Only with Jesus can you be enough.    If you have Him then don’t worry because He is enough and THAT is what makes you enough. 
This is the thought that crept into my mind as I was driving home from the hair salon today. 

What Are You Confessing?

What Are You Confessing?

What are you confessing today?