Triple Berry Stormy Day Cobbler
Originally written on Sunday (March 3, 2019)

It's storming here in the South. The worrisome kind of storms. The kind of storm that keeps you glued to the weather channel and to your phones for alerts. We've had two of those alerts so far but were blessed to have escaped seeing anything close to us. We do have friends and neighbors that are currently without power but are safe. Unfortunately that's not the case for everyone. Tornadoes have once again ripped through people's lives not just their homes. Our prayers are with them tonight as I write this and in the coming days as they rebuild.

Earlier in the day it seemed to be just another rainy gloomy day. Church was awesome this morning. I was still singing praises to Him while I cleaned the house when the craving for something sweet hit me.

I began to take inventory of possibilities in my fridge and pantry when I saw them. Beautiful Berries of all kinds. Already washed in Thieves Fruit and Veggie Wash. Just waiting for something amazing to happen.

Berry Cobbler was definitely the answer. After making several inquiries on Pintrest, I began to put together my own recipe. This doesn't really happen very often and when it does, I usually forget how I made the dish by the time I'm done eating it. Anybody else? Just me? Hhhmmm I don't think I'm alone in this. haha But I was smart this time. I wrote it down as I was going and I even took pictures! Aren't y'all proud of me?!

I may or may not have knocked myself out of Ketosis by the sheer amount of berries I ate. But I will never tell.

Triple Berry Stormy Day Cobbler


4 cups (24 ounces) of berries. Any combination that you can imagine.
1/8 tsp
Nutmeg ( I just grate this fresh right over the berries. See pic)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon (ground)
1 tsp Vanilla
1/3 sweetener of your choice ( see note *)
1 tsp
Xanthan Gum ( optional thickener)
4 large eggs
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup sweetener of your choice (see note*)
1 tsp
Vanilla - I use this one ( yes, I do buy it by the liter because it's worth it) 
1/4 tsp salt ( I use pink)
1/2 cup
coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking powder


1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Pour berries into a 1 1/2 quart baking dish.

3. Sprinkle remaining filling ingredients over the top of the berries. Grating the
fresh nutmeg right over the berries.
Grate the fresh nutmeg right on top

4. Stir gently.

5. In a medium bowl, blend together all topping ingredients until batter is smooth. This will be extremely thick.

6. Spread batter evenly over blueberries. ( I spooned it over the berries and then used a spatula to spread it evenly.

7. Bake for 20 min at 400 degrees or until top is browned.

*Note: I use a combination of half 
Erythritol and half Xylitol plus a "shot" of liquid Stevia. This combination seems to keep the sweeteners from recrystallizing in the refrigerator.

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