Spiralized Butternut Squash and Leek Quinoa Bake
My husband recently started eating more plant based meals.  This is fine for me because I can use a small amount of his meals as a side dish and serve with a larger protein.  Honestly I wouldn't have thought a vegetarian and a Keto person could successfully navigate the kitchen but it's gone really really well!  
I found this recipe years ago but just made it last week and now I can't get enough of it. 
Important Notes and Tips!!!

* I think the Bone broth has made all the difference as far as adding flavor to this recipe so make sure to pick a good bone broth. 
* I used frozen spiraled butternut squash.  Two bags.  It worked perfectly!  They were the steam in bag packages and I just opened them, put them in a colander and then rinsed them until they were thawed.  I squeezed the excess water out much like you would do frozen spinach.  ( Just a little squeeze) .  
* I used one large leek stalk.  Cut down the center vertically and then sliced to create half moon shapes that could be easily separated and rinsed in the colander.  

* I added them all together mixed with oil, salt, and pepper and roasted for a total of 20 min.  They were perfect.  

*  I used the instructions on the package of quinoa subbing the broth for water.  It also turned out so flavorful.  I might give up keto for this grain.....

 just sayin... lol

*  I didn't top with sage as it seemed to serve no purpose other than decoration 

So here's the original recipe
1 medium butternut squash, peeled  & spiralized into noodles or use frozen *
1.5 cups sliced leeks *
1.5 - 2 cups cooked quinoa *
olive oil, to drizzle
salt and pepper
2 cups grated Gruyere cheese
4 sage leaves, chopped - optional *
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Lay the squash noodles and leeks out in a 9 x 12 baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 15-20 minutes or until wilted. Add the quinoa, toss, and top with the cheese. Roast for 5-8 minutes or until cheese melts. Immediately garnish with sage and serve with a side salad or as is.
Final pic and recipe is adapted from inspiralized.com


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